Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Truth at work... week one

So this past week was most interesting.
I was really moved by some of the content of the Truth Project and of course some of it was incredibly heady... Ravi Zacharias surely provided the most mind bending quote of the night about what truth is. On the flip side of that some of the content was scary, the unitarian lady was very "interesting" with her take on the truth as light refracted through windows of the cathedral of the world. However, if there is one thing that permiates the world, it's that concept of each person holding onto a little piece of the truth and together we complete the truth puzzle. Wow.

So anyway, I hope that each of you were challenged, inspired, or somehow moved by what you saw and heard. I was wondering what really stood out for you guys, what was most profound?

I enjoyed our conversation and was really glad to see the new faces and hear them jump right into the conversation... good stuff. I hope to see you all this coming week as we take on week 2 of the truth project... Philosophy & Ethics.

And to get that jumpstarted in your mind... what do you guys have to say about those topics? I will be posting an additional thought for you guys this week about ethics, hopefully it will get you guys thinking about the subject at large.

See you this wek.



Anonymous said...

I liked the first Truth Project. My question is...who is the chair for??? The one that he puts out before almost every class? It's infront of all the students. Just an empty chair... For Jesus?

I think that truth is something that everyone is in search of. It was unreal to see the ways that people have squede reality. It's amazing the lies that the world tells us, things that are "true"

I think the only honest way of knowing the truth is to be in the word, and know the word. It's not about what we think truth is...or what the world tells us what truth is...it's about what the word says. God tells us what is truth and what isn't. It's pretty simple. I think a lot times people get caught up in looking for some big truth that it has to be profound and revolutionary. But not really. It's all right there for us. Maybe if we focused on that more we'd all have better views of Reality and Truth.

Richard said...

OK, this comment doesn't apply to this specific blog, but I couldn't figure out exactly how to start a new one.
Since we talked about reading things by 'dead guys' tonight, I thought I'd put a more extended quote by G.K. Chesterton, from his book "Orthodoxy" (Chesterton was a huge influence on C.S. Lewis commiting his life to Christ, and Ravi Zacharias likes him so much that he named his dog after him...). So, here's the quote:
"People have fallen into a foolish habit of speaking of orthodoxy as something heavy, humdrum and safe. There never was anything so perilous or so exciting as orthodoxy."
For now - In Him,